An Injury Law Firm


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Lawyers Can be Terrible People

Okay, this may not be breaking news to many of you, but yes, lawyers can be terrible people. The kinds of despicable behavior that some lawyers engage in while claiming it’s all “part of the job” makes it difficult for those of us who refuse to practice that way to be proud of our profession.

Here’s an Example

Back in the 90s, the actress Pamela Anderson and her then-husband Tommy Lee made an intimate, private video of the two of them together on their honeymoon. The tape was stolen and was distributed across the Internet. The couple sued a company that had posted the video on its website. Neither of them had given anybody permission to use the tape.

Pamela Anderson later disclosed that during her case, she was bullied relentlessly by the attorneys for the company – so much so that she began to fear for the health of the child she was carrying at the time. One of the lawyers’ arguments: Because Pamela Anderson had posed nude in the past, she had no right to privacy with respect to the video, and their client could use the stolen tape however it wanted.

As a result of these kinds of underhanded and frankly legally questionable tactics, she and Tommy Lee ended up dropping the case – for her health and the health of her unborn child.

The video company reportedly made $77 million on the leaked video the first year it was online. Pamela Anderson’s share? Zero.

As we said, Lawyers can be terrible people. Marlo Greer goes into this story in more detail in her recent TikTok. And we salute Pamela Anderson for speaking out about how she was treated during that case.

Greer Law Group: We’re Not Terrible People

Lawyers who don’t have the skills to practice fairly will often resort to bullying and other questionable tactics because, frankly, they sometimes work. At Greer Law Group, we do not practice that way. We will vigorously and fairly represent you and use ethical strategies to help you recover the damages you are entitled to for your injuries or harm caused by someone else. What we won’t do is bully someone or make up questionable legal theories that have no support in the statutes or case law.

To learn more about how the Greer Law Group can help you if you’ve been injured or harmed because of someone else’s actions, call us today at (720) 637-2467 or use our contact form to schedule a free, confidential consultation.