An Injury Law Firm


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Injured by an Ambulance or Fire Truck? Understanding Your Rights in Colorado

After you or a loved one gets hit by an emergency vehicle in Colorado, you’ll be in shock—yet you’ll need to act fast to get yourself out of danger (and get the information you need for your case).

There will be a lot going on. And, unfortunately, the fact that you were hit by an ambulance or fire truck poses specific legal challenges. In Colorado, emergency vehicles may have certain privileges under the law, especially if they were responding to an emergency when your accident happened.

This doesn’t mean you don’t have rights or avenues to compensation.

The Privileges Emergency Vehicles Have; The Rights You Have

To do their job effectively, Colorado’s emergency vehicles do enjoy certain exemptions from the law. These include the ability to exceed speed limits and run red lights. Just because the operators of emergency vehicles have these rights doesn’t mean they’re not required to drive their vehicles safely. If an emergency vehicle driver causes an accident, the victims of those accidents may be able to pursue compensation—if they can demonstrate negligence.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident caused by an ambulance or fire truck, take the following steps:

  1. Get medical help. Your health is your #1 priority!
  2. Start your medical record. This should happen automatically when you get emergency care. It will also be important for your claim.
  3. Make sure the accident gets reported to the police.
  4. Document the accident. Take photographs of the scene, get witness contact information, and write down your account of what happened in a dated file.

Then, as soon as you’re safe or in recovery after your accident, talk to an experienced Colorado personal injury attorney.

What Challenges and Considerations Should I Be Prepared For?

While, as the victim of an accident, you should be able to seek compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and medical expenses, the road to your payout may not be simple.

This is especially the case when you’re dealing with government entities. You may face specific legal hurdles, like immunity provisions and very short filing deadlines. (For example, Colorado law requires that claims against public entities must be filed within 182 days after the injury.)

Our team is ready to help you face these challenges with confidence.

Call Greer Law for Assistance with an Emergency Vehicle Crash

Your team at Greer Law has both the experience and expertise necessary to navigate the legal complexities that stand between you and the justice you deserve. Bringing a claim against government entities and emergency services is hard—don’t go it alone!

Interested in speaking with an experienced injury lawyer? Please fill out our brief contact form or give us a call at 720.637.2467.