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Policeman making report

How Do I Get a Police Report After an Accident in Denver?

How to go about getting a police report after an accident in Denver depends on several factors, including which branch of law enforcement came to the accident, if any. Getting records from the Denver Police is a slightly different process than getting a report from the Colorado State Patrol, and if no law enforcement comes to the accident, you may have to file a police report yourself.

How Do I Get a Copy of a Police Report from Denver Police? 

To get a copy of an accident report from Denver Police, you can go to their online records page. You will need your accident report case number, which can be obtained by calling the Denver Police Records Section at 720-913-6029 between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday (holidays and City furlough days excluded). In some cases, a fee may be charged to obtain records.

How Do I Get a Copy of a Police Report from Colorado State Patrol?

To access a crash report from the Colorado State Patrol, visit their Online Accident Report Request page and either fill out the request form online or download it, print it, fill it out, and mail or fax it in. It is important to note that the report will only be the basic accident report and will not contain any witness statements, digital media, or other elements of a crash investigation. Again, there may be a fee for receiving the accident report. 

When Am I Required to File an Accident Report in Colorado? 

Colorado law requires that you file an accident report for any accident that causes injury or damage to property, including even the most minor accidents. Most people do this verbally, over the phone, from the scene of the accident, but it is also possible to go online to the Colorado DMV website to report an accident. Police most often will not file a report unless there are injuries or there is $1000 or more in property damage. You have 60 days to file the report after the accident. Failure to report an accident when required can be charged as a class 2 misdemeanor and may carry penalties of 10 – 90 days in jail time, and/or

$150 – $300 in fines.

Can I Use an Accident Report in Court in Colorado?

According to Colorado law, you cannot use an accident report as evidence at trial, because Colorado considers accident reports to be inadmissible hearsay. You will be expected to testify in person, instead, and can call a police officer or officers to testify in person, as well. This allows both parties to cross-examine anyone making statements about the accident. However, it still may be important to obtain a copy of the accident report to prepare yourself for anything that might come up in court.