At the Greer Law Group, we regularly deal with lots and lots of auto insurance companies. As a firm with many clients who were injured in vehicle crashes, we have to. As a result, we get to learn a lot more about insurance companies than most people who only deal with them when they sign up for the policy, make their monthly premium payment, and file a claim after an accident. USAA is one of those companies, and we have repeatedly seen the same issue with how they handle medical payment insurance claims.

What is Medical Payment Insurance?

Medical payment insurance is extra coverage that USAA and many other insurance companies offer. It’s not a required part of your automobile policy, but if you choose to add it, the policy will help pay for your medical expenses or those of your passengers after a crash – even in situations where you were at fault.

Some medical payment insurance only covers small amounts, like $5000 (the minimum in Colorado). This might sound like a lot, but if you’ve had to pay a medical bill recently, you know that $5000 doesn’t go far in the medical world.

USAA offers quite large medical payment policies, sometimes up to $100,000, which can pay for a lot of medical care. The policies can also cover you if you’re injured as a pedestrian or as a passenger in someone else’s car.

So What’s the Problem With USAA’s Medical Payment Insurance

In our experience, USAA appears to deny more claims than other medical payment insurance providers. As a result, clients often have to fight with USAA to get them to cover medical expenses that we believe should clearly be covered under the client’s medical payment policy. In the meantime, the hospitals and doctors who are owed the money continue to go after our clients for what’s owed, which can easily be thousands or tens of thousands of dollars.

Should I Ditch USAA?

We’re not advising you to cancel your USAA policy if you have one, or to avoid USAA if you’re eligible (they only insure military veterans and their extended families). In our experience, USAA has done a lot of good for both the military community and our clients who have USAA policies. It’s just this area – payments of claims for medical payment coverage – where we’ve seen problems. We’re pointing this out so you have this information and can take it into account when you choose your auto insurer. Check out Marlo Greer’s TikTok comments on USAA to hear what she has to say about this.

Call the Greer Law Group for Help

If you have been in an accident and believe you may be entitled to recover for your injuries or property damage, or if you have an insurance claim that your insurance company is dragging its feet on (whether it’s USAA or any other company), contact the Greer Law Group for help. Your insurance company has lawyers; sometimes, the only way they’ll make the payments you’re entitled to is if they know you have lawyers too.

Call the Greer Law Group today at 720-637-2467 or use our contact form to schedule a free consultation with one of our insurance attorneys. You’ve paid your policy premiums; you deserve to receive the benefits