If you’ve been injured in a crash, you may have legitimate concerns about how you’re going to pay for your medical treatment. You might be worried that your medical bills are going to leave you with nothing. Even if your injuries are the result of someone else’s negligence, their insurance company is not going to pay for your treatment upfront, and your doctors, hospitals, and physical therapists are not going to wait until you get a settlement to get paid.

So what should you do? Marlo Greer has some thoughts in her video on this topic. Here’s a summary:

  1. Make sure you get the treatment you need, and that you get it from trusted medical providers.
  2. Be consistent with getting your medical treatment. If you stop getting treatment because you’re concerned about paying for it, and you later realize you’re still hurting from your crash-related injuries, and you go back for more treatment, the insurance company will hold that against you.
  3. When you make your claim with the insurance company, submit the amount that you were billed for your medical treatment, not the amount that you paid. That’s because if your health insurance provider paid for any part of your treatment, they are going to be repaid from your settlement – so ask for that full amount, not just the deductible or your out-of-pocket costs.
  4. If it becomes really difficult for you to pay for your treatment, there are some ways of getting money in advance to help you pay – explore whether you can take advantage of medical pay benefits or lien companies that will advance you the money for your treatment.

One thing you can count on is that the insurance company will do everything it can to chip away at your claim, arguing that some medical treatment wasn’t necessary, or that you were the one responsible for a particular injury, or some other reason to justify withholding or reducing what they pay you. That means you need to be diligent about getting the treatment you need, including any future rehabilitation.

The Greer Law Group Can Help With Medical Claims

You don’t have to fight the insurance company alone. At the Greer Law Group, we regularly work with injured clients to help them get the compensation they are entitled to after they’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence. We can pursue your claim with the responsible insurance company and will negotiate on your behalf for the settlement you deserve. We’ll also help you make sure you understand what you need to do in order to put yourself in the best position to have your medical and other recovery costs paid for by the responsible party’s insurance company.

Call the Greer Law Group today to learn more about how we can help. We can be reached at 720-637-2467, or use our contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation comprehensive case evaluation. You don’t have to fight the insurance company alone!