Dog Bites

Dog Bite Attorneys in Denver Helping You Get the Compensation You Need

Unfortunately, not every dog is friendly, and not every dog owner is responsible. The Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) reports that between 2010 and 2019, the total number of dog bites was 5,721. That is not a small number, and in 2021 alone, Denver Animal Protection recorded 695 dog bites.

Dog owners have a responsibility to control their dogs, and Colorado law requires that dogs be kept on a leash of 6 feet or less unless they are in an enclosed area designated for off-leash dogs and are supervised by an owner who is at least 18 years old. In Denver, violation of the leash law will result in fines of $100 for a first offense, $250 for a second violation, and $500 for a third. Still, Denver Park Rangers report getting 6-8 off-leash calls per day.

If you have been bitten by a dog that was not on a leash or was otherwise out of control, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

Call Greer Law Group at our Denver office today at 720-637-2467 to speak to a personal injury attorney and explore your options.

Are There Dog Bites For Which I Cannot Seek Compensation? 

Colorado exempts dog owners from liability for dog bites in a few specific situations. The dog owner will not be held liable for a bite in Colorado if the victim was trespassing illegally on private property or entered a space that the owner had clearly marked with signage announcing no trespassing or the presence of a dangerous or aggressive dog. Owners will also be held harmless if the victim is bitten by a herding, working, or livestock protection dog on the owner’s property. There is no liability if a person is bitten by a military or police dog that is performing its assigned duties, or if a dog bites a veterinarian, vet assistant, groomer, handler, humane society or shelter staff member, or a worker at a dog show while they are on duty.

How is Liability Determined in Colorado for Dog Bite Cases 

While some states use a negligence rule or a strict liability rule when determining liability in dog bite cases, the state of Colorado uses a combination of the two, depending on the type of injury received and the circumstances under which the bite occurred.

In Colorado, when a bite occurs on public property or on private property which the victim is visiting with permission and results in serious bodily injuries, strict liability applies. “Strict liability” means that the owner is liable, regardless of their intent. Bodily injury is considered serious if it involves a substantial risk of death, results in permanent disfigurement or the permanent loss or reduced function of a body part or organ, or causes broken or fractured bones.

If the injuries are not considered “serious” under the above definition, the case will fall under premises liability law. In these cases, the victims must show that the dog owner acted negligently in allowing their dog to bite the victim. Usually, this means that the victim must prove that the owner failed to be reasonable or careful in restraining the dog. If the victim entered the premises illegally, however, the owner is not liable.

What Should I Do If I Am Bitten By a Dog? 

If you are bitten by a dog, seek medical attention if necessary. After that, get the dog owner’s contact information. Photos of the dog, the environment where the bite happened, and your injuries can be helpful if you are able to take them. Call the police, who may be able to track the dog down and find its owner if the owner was not present when the bite took place. This will also create an official record of the bite, which may be helpful later.

As soon as possible, contact Greer Law Group to speak with an experienced dog bite attorney, who can advise you on your next steps.

How Can a Dog Bite Lawyer Help in My Case?

Personal injury law can be complicated, and determining whether you can hold the dog owner liable, what damages you can seek, and how to proceed to maintain the best chances of recovering compensation are all things that the education and knowledge of a personal injury attorney can help you with.

If you are dealing with a serious dog bite injury, you need time to rest and recuperate. The stress of a legal battle trying to get compensation from an individual or their insurance company is the last thing you need as you recover from the trauma of the dog attack.

An experienced dog bite attorney from Greer Law Group will do all the legwork required to thoroughly investigate the incident, file the necessary legal paperwork, and either negotiate a settlement or argue your case in court. You will rest easy knowing that a professional attorney is taking care of things while you try to heal and get back on your feet, both literally and figuratively. Our attorneys understand the toll a traumatic event like a serious dog attack can take, and we are here to help. You don’t have to do it alone. We will bring all of our experience and knowledge to the fight to get fair compensation for the injuries you suffered through the negligence of an irresponsible dog owner.

The personal injury attorneys at Greer Law Group have the right combination of compassion and grit to stand by your side and fight for what’s right. You need us on your side, and we will be there, every step of the way. Our attorneys are here to help. Call us today at 720-637-2467.