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Children, Sports, and Concussions: Is Anyone Liable?

Participation in a team sport is one of the best activities for kids. Not only do athletic endeavors benefit the child’s physical health and development, but they also foster social skills like cooperation, teamwork, leadership, and the importance of setting and working toward goals.

Many parents feel that these benefits tend to outweigh possible risks, but it’s important to understand that certain injuries or issues can arise from athletic competition. One of the most concerning is concussions. If your child has incurred a head injury from playing team sports, do you have any recourse?

Concussions Are Serious Business

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that results from a blow to the head. These injuries are most common in full-contact sports like football, but they can occur in just about any sport—for instance, if the child falls and their head impacts the ground, floor, or piece of equipment.

While concussions aren’t generally fatal or life-threatening, they can have serious consequences, including brain damage. The risks only multiply when the young athlete experiences additional blows to the head over time.

Children’s sports often require wearing helmets, but a helmet must fit properly to be effective. Helmets must be replaced after a concussion to provide adequate protection.

Can Anyone Be Held Liable for a Child’s Concussion?

Just because a child has sustained an injury doesn’t necessarily mean a coach, school, or other entity can be held responsible. For one thing, parents are almost always required to sign waivers before their children participate in any physical activity. Any sport carries a certain injury risk; parents assume that risk by allowing their children to play.

However, there are exceptions. A helmet or other piece of equipment could have defects. A coach might let a player who suffers an injury continue to participate. The school’s or team’s medical professional could fail to follow evaluation protocols after a head injury and conclude wrongly that no concussion has occurred.

Considering Potential Negligence on a Case-by-Case Basis

Concussion symptoms can vary, as can their severity, so every injury or potential injury must be evaluated independently. Many factors are involved in a sports-related injury case, so it’s impossible to make blanket statements about liability or negligence.

If your child has been injured during a practice, game, or scrimmage, and you think someone may be to blame, contact Greer Law to schedule a complimentary consultation. Fill out our contact form or call (720) 637-2467 so we can evaluate your situation together.